Friday, December 31, 2010

The 7th Holy Night

The Growing Capacity to Attain Alignment
Note: Please go to the blog to read the comments (and to post your own). The comments really enrich the experience. Thank you. 

Not being a mature soul I can only imagine and strive for this capacity of alignment.   A wise soul keeps all "things" in appropriate relative positions. Right!

How much of your inner life is in alignment? What in your life - your thoughts, your feelings, your deeds - is in the appropriate relative position?

What is alignment for you? What is appropriate? How do you observe the relativity of position? These are big Holy Nights' questions.  Take your time to respond.

Here is the imagination that came to me:

I feel like I am decorating a Christmas Tree, a cosmic moral Christmas Tree that presents my soul to the universe.

Bright lights strung together and wrapped around the branches in a lovely spiral from top to bottom.  They are my thoughts.

Then colored balls of different sizes - my feelings.  Red for good energy.  Blue for grief and loss. Purple for my noble feelings of selflessness. Orange for arousal.  Iridescent green for love.  Gold for wisdom. Silly shapes for adding some humor and gayheartedness.

Under the tree, beautifully wrapped presents - my deeds.  These are the gifts I've given through my will. Most of them are small packages, but there are a few that are big.

Then on top of the tree a star - the star I feel and that finds me, my destiny and my I.

It is a beautiful tree.  And everything is just right and balanced in form, color, light, placement.  Harmoniously related to everything.

Tonight begin to imagine everything in your inner life in its right place. All appropriately related to your "I," your shining selfhood.

Wrting this message puts a smile through me. I feel soft and sweet.  Each year we need to decorate an Inner Christmas Tree.  What is in those gifts at the bottom of the tree that holds the purpose of the star at the top? How did that purpose spiral down through the lights and swirl around the colored balls?

Are your gifts aligning with your star? Actually, the question is really are your gifts moving into alignment with your star? Your soul is growing>


  1. The Christmas Tree image has helped me so much. What a great exercise in envisioning, and furthering, alignment. I'd been seeking renewal for that seasonal tree tradition, and what a simple yet profound gift you have given. I can feel my inner life moving into more creative alignment when I imagine all the trees I've encountered throughout this season, and throughout my life. I'll look at every one, even the lighted community tree in our park, differently now, with more depth of being. You've helped me understand this great tradition as so much more than a passing visual delight. As symbol of our continuous awakening and renewal! Thank you so much, Lynn.

  2. This year I have breast cancer.

    Through the raising of five children I have been Santa. I have seen to the putting up of the tree, the creating and wrapping of gifts, the special food treats, and gifts for friends, family, co-workers and the needy.

    This year I have breast cancer. My breasts were removed two weeks ago. My girls went and cut down a tree, and decorated it with memories and hope. My boys kept the fires burning and the cars running, and the snow shoveled. They all, along with friends and family, cooked, and cleaned and lit candles.

    I put no gifts under the tree. I received gifts in abundance. I feel guilt by not having created, I feel wonder in watching creation. I am letting go of pride, and accepting charity.

    I am learning to live and appreciate, in the face of change.

  3. On this 7th Holy Night I share my experience.I have read and meditated on Lynn's messages. Have journaled some thoughts. Discovered and uncovered the "me" that goes with this individual mind and body. Today, I made the time to revisit Lynn's messages and to read all the comments to discover and uncover the "ME" that is all of us. Each a very enriching experience. I will share the imagery of the small "me" for Holy Night 7.
    It is the 3 magi and how they aligned in personal purpose and by the celestial and that they got to the destination of their journey by staying in alignment with both. On their way back home they again aligned themselves in purpose and celestial, this time the celestial was the voice of angel's rather than a star. I thank you and Lynn for sharing and for the celestial that continue to lead "me" and "ME" these Holy Nights. God bless. My Love. Bob
