Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Closing Portal - Epiphany

With this message we cross the closing threshold of the Holy Nights. I think each of us needs to ask what are we carrying with us as we cross from a spiritual intensity to our ordinary time?

It’s Epiphany, the day of sudden awakening.  It is as if we had a twelve night waking sleep and today woke up not really clear what gifts we have received, but none the less we know we carry something that we did not hold before the solstice. Something was born in us in innocence that brings a new and thrilling wisdom.

Blessings and celebrations on the new you!

Now with this new evolved thinking, feeling and willing, gently and gracefully begin your year hoping to find answers to questions of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. Remember to wonder as you feel the spiritual forces at your back and supporting your feet. Embrace ambivalence and all difficulties. Find intimacy and forgiveness living in your focused soul. And love the poetic language that glimers in the alignment between spiritual realities and earthly realities.  And what endings do you find in your tall and still soul as you stand true to yourself?

Now Epiphany living in the modern soul has three distinct impacts.  It asks us to name our three gifts, be aware of our destiny and take the first step of manifestion.

On Sunday, January 16th at 4 PM Eastern, I will be giving a complimentary teleseminar on Inner Epiphany.  I will send you the information on the call in a few days.

Meanwhile, bathe in the Inner Dawn of the New Year.
Reread the messages of the Holy Nights, experience the comments of others and perhaps add your own.

1 comment:

  1. Lynn, thank you for these 12 pearls on a glimmering chain between darkness and living light. I was dumbstruck by the eighth night on Endings and deeply moved by the responding peoples' comments. Thank you to those who wrote with such beauty and realness each night. I found pleasure sharing this with others. Tonight, looking for my ending in this beginning and my beginning in this ending, I reflect on holiness itself. After writing questions on Truth and Beauty, I choked on Goodness, which felt one dimensional and flat...until I realized that the "best" of Goodness contains the darkness of uncertainty, death and mystery and breathes it's living breath in Holiness. It is a Presence I will seek for each moment in the waking light ahead. Thank you for those who wrote in so genuinely and for those who held each night silently in reverence and love.
