Monday, December 27, 2010

The 3rd Holy Night

The Growing Capacity for Inner Poetry

Tonight we look at our soul’s capacity to rename and redefine.  In Genesis, God gives Adam the gift of naming so all things can be useful to him. For us the gift is renaming and redefining. We no longer live in the Garden of Constants, we live in the Garden of Change. As we evolve what is useful to us evolves.

The Holy Nights give us this open threshold, this open soul, where our inner evolution appears to our inner eye/I. We see things in new ways, ways that ask us for new names and new purposes.

This can be disturbing.  We seem to be just learning the names and uses of so much in the world of space and time, in our sense of ourselves. This is why we must experience our souls as inner poets.  Poets live in the mystery of evolving language and suffer their art gracefully.

Nurture the inner poet. Cultivate the art of evolving language - your own language, not anyone else’s names or definitions.  Your own Garden of Inner Becoming.

Tonight you can simply read some poetry. This is always a good thing to do during the Holy Nights.

Or you can warm your soul in the spiritual sun that shines for these few nights and do some creative and poetic reflection.  Of course, I have a suggestion.

In the year past, find a moment that had meaning and purpose for you.  Now write a short poem about this moment that celebrates the experience. (No attempts at perfection as perfection does not allow for evolution.)  Reflect on your celebratory poem and its moment for a few minutes.  Maybe get up and walk a bit. Or stretch.

Now come back to the memory of the moment and write a grieving poem about it. What do you mourn, what was lost?  This is a poem of poetic courage.  You are renaming and redefining.  No room for sentiment or attachment here. You are not contradicting yourself, you are containing contradictions which the Inner Poet loves to do for you.

Or do the reverse, begin with the inner poem of grief  and follow with the inner poem of celebration.
Grow your capacity for inner poetry in renaming and redefining.

If you are comfortable, I invite you to share your poetic Holy Nights work in the comments on the Inner Christmas 2010 blog.


  1. First thoughts . . .

    Far far away your voice is small, broken: afraid to ask
    Brown eyes darkened: not daring to see
    Breathe in: expand as days flow and distance evaporates
    New smiles and new hugs: springtime rebirth and awakening
    Listening to the sounds: of the garden, of my heart’s garden
    Shout for joy: beHold this world – beHold the love
    Hold on: don’t let go: don’t forget
    And be
    Thank Full

    and A Reflection . . .

    Far far away your voice is small, broken: afraid to ask – brown eyes darkened: not daring to see
    Hold on : hold me - Behold this new world of new everything
    No! No.
    You let go: slipped away: I didn’t hold you back
    You turned away and forgot
    The gentle stroke
    Of love

  2. Grief:

    Loss of options
    realizing that my space is so defined
    I am in the corner
    I am not a butterfly, I am a rock
    cosmic hands hold my space.
    I grieve for my freedom.


    I am the creator of my world
    I am the creative spectator of their world
    we are woven together
    we are one, we are separate
    I breathe, they breathe, home breathes.
    The new life unformed breathes.









  4. She journeys relentlessly....
    every moment all day -
    wandering the back walls of her mind...
    ..........forming data with no help from her senses.
    She's been out there, back there or going long.
    She keeps telling herself its a gift to cut through air with first perceptions.......
    but all she'd rather have be is a reflection recognized.

  5. At a moment in Time
    When all seemed lost
    When the price to be paid
    Seemed to high a cost
    As I looked at the World
    and felt so bereft ...
    I wondered ...
    How much more of this life could be left?

    Where is the key that lightens the load?
    What will I say at the end of the road?

    Then a little spark leapt in the depths of my heart
    Like a sunbeam it glistened
    And warmed up that part
    Which had almost lost hope
    ... almost ripped me apart
    And there before me on the Cross of the World
    Stood the Being Who suffered and died for me.

    I gave thanks and remembered
    How much I am loved
    and ... how much more ...
    I have ... to give!

  6. Celebration:
    Perceptions changing,
    maya illusion unfolding,
    positive situations birthed
    from negative false perceptions
    trust evolving
    stay in the light

    Illusion confuses
    thoughts arise like weed seeds
    veils unfolding-sometimes lighter,
    sometimes darker.
    lost in time, gone forever.

  7. Thank you so much for this series, Lynn. It's beautiful.

  8. not exactly the task....but this process helped me so much to try to understand what is going on with my teenaged son...thank you!

    Such a tender vessel,
    filled but not enough
    with wonder
    You reached and plucked
    The myriads from the bubbles of life that floated your way
    And grew a world.
    A gauzy guileless world.
    A world of eddying colour
    Purling swirling beauty.
    You played
    And grew within the life bubble that is yours
    And the life bubble grew too.
    And I prayed
    But not enough
    the bubble grew
    and you grew
    and you grew faster
    and the life bubble grew stickier
    like syrup
    and I watch
    as you struggle and sputter and scream
    at the sweet sticky bubble of life.
    Your hands claw and your feet kick
    Like they did in my womb
    But not enough
    Still the bubble clings to your frustration
    like I do.
    A torment now the cloying bubble
    Clutching at your every move
    No roar no writhe can rid you of its treacle.
    Fight on little one
    Fight hard
    But not enough
    Not quite enough
    I pray.

  9. “To wonder at Beauty
    Stand guard over Truth…”

    The study group I'm in is reading the Gospel of St. John, the Hamberg lectures, by Rudolf Steiner over these holy nights. So much to be in wonder about. My poem...

    My very Being, formed through
    The Word
    That It may hear Itself
    Across the chasm of time.

    I am utterly in awe. Head bowed.

    Through this word, I am related, a pearl on this cestral s-t-r-i-n-g.
    I hail the Logos in full throat,
    “Your mission here in me unfolds!”
    It is your own voice I send back to Thee,
    Even in silence.

    Although just one part,small and alone,
    Within this singular chamber sounds a voice
    An echo?
    Certainly no less cherished, no less sweet.
    And when together with others
    A glorious choir.
    (May the Gods hear it!)

    Oh, Divine Origin,
    After Thee I fashion
    My deeds
    My song.
    In full consciousness,
    Full of gratitude
    I pray to Thee,

    Thy will be done
    In me
    In us
    In them
    In all I meet.
    Together may We dispel the darkness and once again
    Forever and ever
    Embrace the Light.

    So be it!

    Ages to go, but grateful none the less.
    “Amen!” we sing in harmony,
    Some future day to ring in unison.

    Through The Word Our very Being a Song Divine.

  10. Grief:

    Jarring reality,
    Parental pain,
    Watching as our children
    stretch and stumble.
    Heart-aching uncertainty,
    Releasing our offspring;
    Letting go to let God,
    Praying into the darkness.


    Exquisite timing,
    Our lives divinely scripted,
    We move effortlessly
    Through the labyrinth of life,
    Arriving when we are needed most,
    Choking back tears, perhaps,
    Bringing our hearts
    To the dance.

  11. The inner poet says,

    I am the thigh bone of the woman at worship.
    The edge of breath freezing to snow.
    I empty myself into this garden.
    I am your yearning to live and to know.

    I am the edge of womb in your sleep.
    The germ of all possible there is to be.
    I am the lost detail never forgotten.
    In your next breath you can find me.

    on grief:

    One last leaf blows across grey stone.
    It lifts and tumbles but never is gone.
    Meaning lost to random trivia.
    That is still me.
    Some far off mind coughs a notice.

  12. Reflections on a Rite of Passage

    Her eyes were warm and brown,
    rich pools of soil where our
    reflections would dance
    under an ember and sienna sky.
    She took it all in-
    the trinkets of laughter,
    falling silver on the floor,
    the pirouetting clowns of
    glorious middle age,
    mothers and saints breaking
    the sound barrier of domestic
    still life,
    the glazed succulents made
    by hand, swirling pies,
    shining roasts,
    the living lessons

    and she stored it as an origami crane
    with thoughts tucked into
    the creases of its wings,
    and feelings lined in its belly,

    and she gave it back to me,
    an offering of thanks.


    Where are my eyes in the jewelry chest?
    Those shining brown gems that danced
    in the polish of color and life?
    As I dig around the treasures, I find
    I can’t find them.
    Perhaps they’ve rolled
    away, or were picked up by a child.
    I think I buried them once, like seeds,
    in the hope that they would grow oak trees.
    My hands continue to ramble through
    faceted shapes and soft smooth stones.
    At the bottom of the box, I find
    something spare. My hands rise up like fish,
    and emerge with two lumps, dark and
    I do not recognize them. They are not the
    eyes I know.
    “Go back to the place where you laugh
    and dance,” I once heard my child say,
    “go back to the dancers that know
    your eyes.”

  13. (First)

    This year I moved
    because it was time and then some
    and was I surprised
    at who showed up to help me move

    Bugs with hugs to roll up the rugs
    Arrogant asses packing glasses
    Freedom fighters, nail biters, small-timers
    and showcase rhymers from Mother Goose
    to Lenny Bruce
    Japa, my papa, and Harry Potter,
    Paper, pen and pratyahara

    Turns out I am that
    and I can let it go or turn it into light


    I couldn't keep everything
    Youth and illusions I've had to box up and leave
    I'm grateful for the help
    but when everyone goes home
    I'm alone in a strange place
    grateful, but missing youth and old illusions.

  14. To know elegance

    To clear away....clutter,
    Enjoy a moment...
    To hear the sound of the harp
    Playing a melody of love.

    Melody of love, gently enfolding,
    Gradually creating a balm of support,
    Releasing harmonies of beauty,
    Lifting the soul, upward, into flight.

    No fear in this flight,
    Only a freedom, a special
    Love and peace.

  15. The Birth of a Book
    Ah, here it is – at long last!
    Twelve years gestation!
    Edmund Rice – Restoring the Circle to the Celtic Cross
    Nice cover that, John, – a light in the darkness –
    Indeed, giving people their place in the sun!
    Doorstopper dimensions, but
    Hidden treasure revealed.

    Gaze on the images, brimful with story;
    Then sip the nectar of mystic connections:
    Appreciate the Celts’ new chapter for an industrial age.
    Fan the flames of protest at modern money’s disappearance;
    Marvel at selflessness in making wealth work for the poor:
    Grieve for today’s seemingly insoluble selfishness.

    For myself, gratitude sprayed all round.
    Buoyed by friendship,
    Seduced by one man’s struggle,
    Amazed that mustard seeds still embrace so widely.
    One door closing two more opening
    Tropics giving way to wondrous snow and frost;
    Coming to the home where it all began.

    Job’s Dialogue Continued
    If only I had’ve known what I was up against…
    And wasn’t that the story you were engaged with?
    But did it have to come down to such life and death decisions?
    Join the club!
    Don’t be facile! You know how much it hurt!
    Can’t imagine – tell me!
    Sure you do and I know what your remedy was: incision
    That was bloody painful too!
    And the result?
    The freest I’ve ever felt – and what’s more I’m still that way!
    There you are – you must have read Over the Edge by Eileen D’Over!
    And I thought you were wise!
    Just playing!
